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Commercial Genealogy Services
While I am happy to share freely any research in the Brebner/Bremner genealogies with all interested researchers, undertaking research on unrelated families is available only on a fee-basis.

A charge of $50.00 CDN per hour will apply; that includes any related photocopies, postage and CD/DVD copies of all information, as well as mileage to homes, libraries or cemeteries within 40 km (25 miles) of Otttawa.

My Ottawa, Canada location provide me with easy access to the National Library and Archives of Canada, the repository for all Canadian census information, as well as land patent applications and military records. Despite many of these resources becoming available on-line, there is a wealth of information at the LAC that has yet to be digitized.

As a researcher, I have been a member of the Aberdeen and North-East Family History Society (ANESFHS) for over 15 years, and have a number of their monumental inscription publications and census indexes in my personal library. As an expatriate Aberdonian, who visits annually, I am very familiar with the countryside and resources of the north-east of Scotland.

My personal library contains microfilm copies of the Aberdeen Journal from 1770 through 1820; transcriptions of many individuals, their activities and even their personal descriptions from these newspapers are available in my own series of publications.

I also hold full annual memberships in and which gives me full access to their vast resources.

Inasmuch as every request is unique, please e-mail me for a no-obligation quote.

John A. Brebner

E-mail John Brebner   © 2011 John A. Brebner