Search Tips:
Enter addresses in the form "Street, number" and NOT "number street"
You will receive more results if you enter street names without appending Street, Road or Number. You can always go back and enter a more specific address
after your initial search.
For example: Enter "Riverside" rather than "Riverside Drive" or "Riverside, 1234."
Address entry is case-insensitive; UNION, Union, union will produce the same results.
In the case of numbered street names, try both the number and the long form;
ie: 3rd Avenue, Third Avenue etc. as the address may be listed under either form. I hope to standardize that in the 2011 database.
Select "All countries" if you are unsure of the address,
or if your initial selection produced no results.
Data is updated regularly from BMD, UK, US,Canadian censuses, city directory and military databases.