St. Machar, Aberdeen George S. Brebner and Elizabeth McKenzie Don Street, Old Aberdeen George S. Brebner and Elizabeth McKenzie Entrance to Spital Cemetery George Brebner and Elizabeth McKenzie John Brebner, 1959 George Brebner and Christian Arthur, 1947 Arthur Brebner, 1941 Home Page
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Publications Surname Search:
I know how frustrating it is to buy a book hoping that it has some information about members of my own family, only to find that none of them are listed! This search page will allow you to search all my current and pending publications for surnames. Hopefully you'll find that lost soul...and purchase one of my books to see the full details!
Available Publications:Aberdeen Journal Extractions
  • Desertions, Elopements and Escapes, Volume 1, 1765-1800
  • Desertions, Elopements and Escapes, Volume 2, 1801-1810
  • Desertions, Elopements and Escapes, Volume 3, 1811-1820
Surname Forename    
  • Please note that "MCDONALD" and "MACDONALD" and similar names are listed together. If in doubt of spelling, enter the "MC" version.
  • All first names are grouped; ie: Entering "Catherine" will give all instances of "Katherine","Kate", etc.
  • Entering a surname without a first name will list all instances of that surname and variants.
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