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Project Status 2007
November 1, 2007 At last all the new cemetery photographs from this year's Scottish visit have been added.In addition, the transcriptions of the 1841-1901 Scottish census is progressing well, with about 80% of the individuals identified and linked to compiled genealogies. Thie will be an ongoing project, with the addition of more female Brebner/Bremner family members and their spouses.Hopefully all will be complete before the arrival of the 1911 UK census!
January 22, 2007 The new-look web site marks the first time that the site has had a major upgrade since 2000. The new interface has a cleaner look and is more intuitive for the the first-time user. While many of the links remain the same, other pages have been added, and many older pages updated with more current information. Text and document files of Brebner/Bremner related activities have been collected within a single reference page for easier reference... these will updated throughout 2007. All "page not found" glitches will be dealt with by the beginning of February!
January 21, 2007 The 1841 UK census database is now available for searching. I have been looking at the microfilmed pages for some years, and with the availability of the indexed version of the English and Scottish census, I have been working my way through what must be some of the most creative transcription of Brebner/Bremner families and their dwelling places that I have yet encountered! The 1841 census does not give relationships, although knowing the families involved, many can be inferred. Another ongoing work... there are so many Brebner/Bremner individuals in this census that still elude identification!
January 20, 2007 Over the past 5 years, the transcription of the Brebner/Bremner families in Canadian censuses from 1851 through 1911 has been another ongoing project. While still in progress, that data is now available for searching.
January 20, 2007 Over 50 photographs for the families of James Bremner, Engineer in Wick and John Bremner, Fleet Paymaster from Canisbay are a great addition to the Brebner/Bremner portrait and photographs database. Many thanks to David Bremner and Donald Bremner for these wonderful contributions to the visual Brebner/Bremner history!
January 10, 2007 A series of photographs from Terry Gale of his ancestors, William "Bronkie" Bremner and family (descendants of Thomas Bremner and Elspet Dow) have been added to the portrait and photograph database. Many thanks Terry!
January 06, 2007 Most Brebner/Bremner entries from the United Kingdom census (England, Scotland and Wales) for 1851 and 1861 have now been added. Still to come are those entries for married Brebner/Bremner females; that will be ongoing throughout 2007.
January 01, 2007 The new year brings the beginning of a number of major changes to By early spring, the entire website will be sporting a new look... with easier navigation and updated pages. Over the past year, many of the compiled genealogies have had substantial additions, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the researchers who have sent information, genealogy and photographs. All information is gladly welcomed!
Project Status 2010
Project Status 2009
Project Status 2008
Project Status 2007
E-mail John Brebner   © 2010 John A. Brebner