St. Machar, Aberdeen George S. Brebner and Elizabeth McKenzie Don Street, Old Aberdeen George S. Brebner and Elizabeth McKenzie Entrance to Spital Cemetery George Brebner and Elizabeth McKenzie John Brebner, 1959 George Brebner and Christian Arthur, 1947 Arthur Brebner, 1941 Home Page
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George Sinclair Brebner (1868-1947) and wife Elizabeth McKenzie (1863-1929) George Brebner


This is an early (c 1895?) view of my great-grandfather George Sinclair Brebner (1868-1947) and his wife Elizabeth Ingram McKenzie (1863-1929). Son of William McPherson Brebner and Jane Sinclair, George started out with the City of Aberdeen, literally at the bottom, as a manure shoveller, and worked his way up to Superintendent of Cleansing for Aberdeen at his retirement.


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